F4 Club Dinner

  • 7 years ago
  • 0
June 2, 2018 @ 6:30 pm – 11:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Fireside Lodge





A new & easy way to discover great dishes and food creations from Northwest sources while meeting new friends and neighbors at the Glen. Instead of cooking only, F4 members can shop creatively at different merchants. By choosing a readily prepared appetizer, entrée or dessert, we will reduce the labor and increase the fun.  And we’ll discover delectable prepared foods from local merchants that we might not find on our own.


The idea behind F4 is to enable Glen members to try prepared foods from specific stores – and to find new stores and specialties.  And while the emphasis is on convenience, we won’t have rules that limit creative input:  you may choose to combine or otherwise tinker with prepared dishes to present them in new ways.  But that’s up to you.  Dishes right from the package will get you in to each event.  Alternately,  your dish can be homemade, frozen, reheated, take out or ask your neighbor to make it.  Just bring food!


SATURDAY, June 2nd, 2018


Trader Joe’s theme!   my favourite store!


Bring any Trader Joe’s brand meal item.  Salads, prepared entrees, pastas, gravy and sauces on rice, pastas or meats. Frozen appetizers, entree or a dessert.  Save the packaging to bring and place beside your dish.  Come meet, mingle and have a fun tasting adventure. Games and prizes. Adults only.  Bring your dish ready to serve, your own plate, cutlery, napkins and cups & beverages.  To secure your spot (as space is limited) or if you have any questions, please Email me with the item you are bringing, so we don’t have too many duplicates.




LOOKING AHEAD, some themes we have planned will feature Easy Eats, Alternative Appies, Favourite Frozens, your Best Pot Luck Dish, Munch & Movie, Tasty Takeouts, etc


Linda Gallagher – Div 4


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