
Glass Workshop for Christmas ornaments plus…

GLASS WORKSHOP (cooking glass) July 27, 2-4 Fireside Lodge Get ready for Christmas now with your own handcrafted ornament. If you have ever wanted to try your hand at working with glass now is your chance. Come out and be creative with our glass workshop put on by a skilled artisan that will allow you to make some jewelry, keychains or Christmas ornaments. You will learn how to fuse glass and how to cut...

Comcast Roll-out Update

Hello Glenners!   Please see the updated information from Comcast below.  A courtesy phone has been installed at Fireside Lodge (w/ Comcast instructions) for members to call Comcast.   Members who signed up on June 22 but were not seen:   "We have held the names of those that came down last week but were unable to be seen. They will be the priority appointments and...

Wine Tasting July 6

The Glen’s Community Connections Committee (CCC) is excited to announce this year’s Annual Wine Tasting event on Saturday July 6, 2019 from 2pm-4pm at Fireside Lodge. This year you can sample local wine from Samson Estates Winery as well as other wines from the region. The entrance fee of $15 reserved in advance and $20 unreserved at the door will include a limited-edition Glen logo wine...

Rustic Sign Painting

July 13, 2019 2-5 Fireside Lodge The CCC is proud to sponsor Ellen Clark from ALLIED ARTS for this years RUSTIC SIGN PAINTING event. Come try your hand at being an artist with hands-on instruction and produce your very own piece of art. ALL supplies are included as well as coffee, tea and a light snack. No painting experience required, just come and have a great time. If you need a little...

Music in the Meadow

June 30, 2019, band from 3 - 6 Riverside Meadow The CCC is proud to bring you another concert by donation.  We are excited to bring back by popular demand BroHamM, a Motown R & B group all the way from Seattle. They play to crowds of all ages so come on down and be entertained rain or shine. In our efforts to bring you the best of entertainment, the CCC would appreciate a nominal donation of...


    Geology Underfoot in Western Washington  Learn about local fossils (not Glen members), volcanoes & dinosaur-like birds when the Glen's CCC sponsors a free, illustrated talk for Glen members, families and friends at Riverside Lodge on Saturday, June 22/19 at 6pm. Ever heard of Diatryma, a 7 foot tall flightless bird that weighed in at some 350 pounds and lived in our area...

2019 Annual General Meeting Results

Hello Glenners, Thank you to all the members who voted in-person today and by absentee ballot. A tremendous thanks again to my amazing Election Supervisor, Kathy Isaak and the incredible election volunteers, meal volunteers and our staff for all the great help this year!  It takes a team to run a successful AGM! Respectfully submitted, Rick Allan, Election Chair Here are your election...

Blast Email March 25th, 2019

Hello Glenners, Information Session Documents We had a wonderful turnout at the Comcast Internet Information Session on Saturday afternoon. Here is the link to the handouts at the meeting: https://theglenatmf.wpengine.com/members-documents/ Look in the "Manuals & Publications" folder. The documents are; Wifi Home.pdf, VoIP Explained 2019, & VoIP Apps. Also, from the Special...

Cookie Decorating Class May 4, 1-4

Decorate Breakfast Themed Cookies for Mother's Day   Learn the basics of cookie decorating from cookie artist Linda Gallagher. In this class, you will learn how to decorate sugar cookies with royal icing. You will learn royal icing basics, outlining, flooding, wet on wet, and more. Recipes, cookies, royal icing, and all supplies are included. Take home 6 decorated cookies...

Happy New Year Wishes from “The Glen” CCC

Happy New Year Wishes from “The Glen” CCC Last year was another busy year for the Community Connections Committee with plenty of work for our small group and the many volunteers and Glen staff who all worked so hard to make this year a success.  As committee chair, I would like to thank the members of our team, Phyllis, Barb, Karen and Linda for the many hours that they volunteered in the planning,...

Special General Meeting Results Nov. 10 2018

  Hello Glenners,   Thank you to all the members who voted in-person today and by absentee ballot.   Special General Meeting Results   Are you in favor of adding Comcast Xfinity Internet service to the existing Comcast Bulk Purchase Agreement?   Yes:  460 votes   No:  157...

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